Monday 30 September 2013

World Watch international translation Day

So if you are watching over the world I would love to hear from you
Today September 30 is international translation day, an effort to communicate with each other and to recognize other languages.  Being from Canada we are Bi-lingual by law but really pretty much every language in the world is spoken here.  However our actual language that should be mentioned here and isn't in our law is Dene' the language of the First Nations.

First Nations are still persecuted by people of Canada.  Every nation of the world has the same problem there are groups of People that are considered a different class of people.  It is important for us to reach all the nations of the world with the gospel so we need to stop this attitude so today I would like to pray for the different classes we have been so arrogant to create be destroyed in the spiritual world and for all nations be reached with the Good news.
Watching the world means watching your nation as well, we don't battle prejudices like the world does with law suits and protests we do it by humility, repentance and prayer, find a couple of other people to pray with you and repent for the harm your nation has done to group or nations of the world and to heal your land. 
Most of the middle east problem stem from this issue and although the Bible predicts these events must come to pass.... the end is not yet and the reason the enemy has and the reason God has are not the same. God allows these terrible things like we saw last week to first take us to our knees; Second so that the world would be saved.
After the bombing in Kenya and the chemical attack in Syria, Israel prime minister meeting with Obama we need to be praying for peace but also for healing of the people of these nations.

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