Sunday 13 October 2013

Today's news Adam and Eve all the way to you! Spiritual warfare

So as I was in the hospital with out any media outlook I had to just rely on God for perspective.  
 Check out a map of the middle east to compare with the map of the tribes of Israel later

We are in the days of both physical and spiritual time of disturbance in the Middle East.  Israel is really the purpose God has for all this violence. Does that mean that God intended His people to have burdens and sadness and war and death and all those ugly things? NO see God only put one rule for man (Adam and Eve) It was a simple rule just one, they had everything they needed to live an abundant and full life.  Where they lived was beautiful and no one would want to leave. There were no weeds, no pain in childbirth. It was complete and there was only one rule that they could break and it involved the fruit of one tree. I think I will name it the Tree of Self-destruct.  It was knowledge of Good and evil, Right and wrong. Without eating of the fruit of that tree there was no sin! There also was no bad consequences. However it seemed that for some reason Eve talked to a serpent which a whole years discussion and a load of questions. We think God wanted to just heap rules on us, not true, He just wanted us to have the ability to use good judgement and have the ability to choose to obey Him if we wanted and there was only one consequence-- of disobedience--Death.

So how does this relate to the Middle East?  All of us are God's chosen children but because The one rule which the serpent deceived eve into breaking, which she then persuaded Adam to eat, so that they hid from God when He cane for their daily visit, each one of them used another as a scape goat.  Making the only salvation was for someone to come from man not being born in sin to die as a scapegoat for all the sin one man committed. Doesn't seem fair and maybe it's not but it is Just.
In the middle east we have many conflicts, first many groups feel they are God's Chosen people.  They are the only truly Children of Israel, The Jews believe they are the true children (the name Jew means "From Judah"

there were 2 tribes of God


The tribe of Judah             The Israelites

They were just 2 of the twelve tribes and both were governed By Jehovah and each had their own king.

1. Reuben
2.  Simeon
3.  Judah
4.  Issachar
5.  Zebulun
6.  Benjamin
7.  Dan
8.  Naphtali
9.  Gad
10. Asher
11. Ephraim
12. Manasseh

All of these tribes were part of the Children of Abraham. After much time they slowly became divided and each claimed to be the true children of Abraham.  So that's one part of the problem in the Middle East.

The next part is that of Isaac and Ishmael You can read about it at the Wikipedia link below, or do your own research.

God made a promise to Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son and they laughed would give them a son the problem being that Abraham was 99 years old. I think I might have laugh also but it is clear that typically people did live longer then they do today but still Abraham laughed. Sarah gave to Abraham her maid servant Hagar, So He had a son with her and his name was Ishmael was born to Abraham when He was 86.

Abrahamic covenant

 (Genesis 15:1–21)
The word of God came to Abram in a vision and repeated the promise of the land and descendants as numerous as the stars. Abram and God made a covenant ceremony and God told of the future bondage of Israel in Egypt. God described to Abram the land that his offspring would claim: the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaims, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites. (Genesis 15:1–21) 

There are many diversities in the Middle east religions, traditions, laws and rules concerning women, children, education, government.
Religion might be the most significant


From Wikipedia

Muslim men prostrating during prayer in a mosque.
41% of Lebanon, the christians have represented the mosaic of the Middle East, and contribute heavily in the Media, Politics, Entertainment, Banking... sectors in Lebanon and the World.
The Middle East is very diverse when it comes to religions, many of which originated there. Islam in its many forms is by far the largest religion in the Middle East, but other faiths that originated there, such as Judaism and Christianity, are also well represented. Christians represent a proportionally, 41%, huge part of Lebanon, where the Lebanese President, Lebanese Army General and Central Bank Governor has to be Christian. There are also important minority religions like the Bahá'í Faith, Yazdânism, Zoroastrianism, Mandeanism, Druze, Yarsan, Yazidism and Shabakism, and in ancient times the region was home to Mesopotamian Religion, Canaanite Religion, Manicheanism, Mithraism and various Monotheist Gnostic sects.

Here are the different Countries in what we call the Middle east:

Pliny the Elder's Natural History (AD 77-79) derives the name of the Caucasus from the Scythian kroy-khasis (“ice-shining, white with snow”). From this Greeks called it Καύκασος (Kaukasos).[1]

View of the Caucasus Mountains in Svaneti

Traditional definition of the Middle East

The following countries are included within the Middle East, which is corresponding to Western Asia, excluding the Caucasus:

Modern endonyms Caucasus

  • Abkhaz: Кавказ Kavkáz
  • Adyghe: Къавкъаз\Хэку Qavqaz\Kheku
  • Arabic: القوقازal-Qawqāz
  • Armenian: Կովկաս Kovkas
  • Avar: Кавказ - كافكاز Kavkaz
  • Azerbaijani: Qafqaz
  • Chechen: Кавказ Kavkáz
  • Georgian: კავკასია K'avk'asia
  • Greek: Καύκασος Kàfkasos
  • Ingush: Кавказ Kavkaz
  • Kabardian: Къавкъаз\Хэку Qavqaz\Kheku
  • Karachay-Balkar: Кавказ Kavkaz
  • Lak: Ккавкказ Kkavkkaz
  • Lezgian: Къавкъаз K'avk'az
  • Ossetian: Кавказ Kavkaz
  • Persian: قفقازQafqāz
  • Russian: Кавказ Kavkaz
  • Turkish: Kafkasya
 Today's headlines 
See if you can look at a few headlines today an how come they are of importance. See how the war and conflict in the world Jesus said must come to get to the end result. The kingdom of God come to earth.
Heres a few of today's headlines


Gaza 'terror tunnel' uncovered inside Israel, says army


2. Red Cross workers kidnapped in Syria

Map of Syria



Red Cross workers kidnapped in Syria

Syria conflict

  • 'Please let it be over'
  • Arms destruction
  • Syria's chemical stockpile
  • UN report analysis
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says gunmen have abducted six of its workers and one Red Crescent volunteer in north-west Syria.


Top Stories

U.S. Senate leaders hold talks in effort to end shutdown


3. India's Cyclone Phailin leaves widespread damage

Communications ties severed, roads blocked by fallen trees

Okay your turn how many headline are connect to spiritual things that are part of things that must come to pass and how many might just be a spirit of Wickedness.

what bout this one any thing to be on watch for?

Man, 19, arrested in New Glasgow stabbing - ‎3/10/2013
UPDATED at 2:22 p.m.. New Glasgow police have laid charges after a vicious attack early Sunday morning in which a young man was repeatedly stabbed and left paralyzed from the waist down.

 Anyways more questions then answers but all pieces to one big picture.

Don't forget the little things happening in your own little part of the world, hows your city, your church even your home. Is there lots of stress, sickness.

First the natural then the Spiritual. So watch what happens in both the natural things around you and then ask God to show you the Spiritual things.

Lets keep working on the puzzle to see if together if we can't totally figure out the timing and purpose of God and His Kingdom remember to watch and pray.

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