Monday 26 August 2013



Fibonacci and a tree
by Elissa Malcohn

I'm leanin' on a tree limb, lookin' at a leaf
And the branches and the veins have a curious reach.
The lengths that they go form a ratio
Like a Nautilus shell in an all-expanding spiral.
It's a Fibonacci sequence and it's gone viral.

There's no need for caution with a beautiful proportion.
For the pattern to be had, all you got to do is add.
Two numbers at a time and then you just climb.
First a one and a one for a simple little two.
One and two are three, two and three are five.
Fibonacci repeats in the things that come alive.

Pineapples, pine cones, artichokes, ferns,
The mighty Fibonacci always returns,
Round and round like the petals in a flower.

From the shape of a dolphin, to bones in your finger,
The Fibonacci sequence knows how to linger.

The end

In the last post I started to talk about how I started the network of Prayer that me and 2 friends started almost 20 years ago. We didn't start on Facebook we started by phone and many still do use Skype and other tools I like Facebook because I can read their requests when I am praying although today we all have times we commit to pray Around the world someone connected to the Wheel I started, there is someone praying 24/7. 
Only the 12 on my wheel have my Skype number for emergencies.
 Whats the Purpose of Prayer and spiritual warfare?
 It's to reach the world for Christ.

So you have the information on how I started the prayer network that I watch and pray with. 

A networking Tree

When starting  a Prayer network figure out the area of which you want the focuses to be.  For example your church, The Church around the world. Families.The world, is a big one but what about the world? The middle east, North American, persecution, the harvest (should be the ultimate result of prayer)  etc. After doing this you need to add God not my will but yours be done because God has a way to putting little or sometimes big roadblocks or "V"'s in the road.

 The second thing is to  follow the Fibonacci Sequence 0 ( is The Holy Spirit in you)
0 ,1,1,2,3,5=12 with you is  disciples of Prayer and a complete network for you, 13 with you. They also should try and do the same. 0 at that point is them.
Find one person to pray with then one more, then 2 more, then 3 more then 5 more.  
 Tell them that this is a lifetime commitment and if they need for some reason to stop they need to contact you and help to replace them on your prayer wheel. They need to do the same.
You need to commit to them and they in turn need to commit to you. You now have an accountability agreement flowing in your network even with just you and 1 other. Stay this way until they also have one and in the mean while pray about who else God wants you to invite, remember while it is nice to have better more experienced prayer people on your wall but this is a discipleship wheel.
These are not just people who pray with you but they become your disciples in prayer you lead and teach them how to pray. This Prayer Blog will help you learn all you need to know one step at a time.  If they have for instance agreed to have a devotion life it my be your task to help them to do just that. When you have all 12 disciples and they each have 12 you have 144 people praying a very Scriptural significant number. 12x12x10x10x10=144,000

Think of each seed as one wheel  this just keeps growing and after a while it all just comes together and flows together.

The third thing is don't just read or talk about praying or say you will pray ..... 
PRAY. Just start talking to God it doesn't have to be lengthy just God bring peace to so and so, is a great start, pray scripture and start Watching, watch everything and see what things you see and pray about them. If you have a personal FB or other Social media page listen to what the needs of others are talk to God about what His will is then Pray it will happen but above all else.....Pray.

I am going to start this week and continue for some time to explain exactly what and how the Beings that Ezekiel saw in  his vision are connected to prayer. 

But for this week the only thing you need to understand is To start with finding 1 person near or far and make a connection and start a network as was presented yesterday.  Go back and read it again then get that person to do the same.
The rest of this post is for those who are ready for it can start understand why I believe that this is the networking we need for the end days. The number 144 is highly significantly in the Bible, also mathematically has some very interesting facts. 

Revelation 14:1
[ The Lamb and the 144,000 ] Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.
Revelation 14:3
They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth.

 The Bible is full of numbers but 12 and 144 are used the often.

 Numbers in the Bible are highly significant because it reveals the very nature of God. I found the number 144 especially interesting when I read Psalms 144 
Psalm 144 is all about Spiritual Warfare.

Psalm 144 NLT

A Song to the Lord Who Preserves and Prospers His People 
Praise the Lord, who is my rock.
 1.   He trains my hands for war
    and gives my fingers skill for battle.
He is my loving ally and my fortress,
    my tower of safety, my rescuer.
He is my shield, and I take refuge in him.

    He makes the nations submit to me.

3 O Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them,
    mere mortals that you should think about them?

For they are like a breath of air;
    their days are like a passing shadow.

Open the heavens, Lord, and come down.
    Touch the mountains so they billow smoke.

Hurl your lightning bolts and scatter your enemies!
    Shoot your arrows and confuse them!
Reach down from heaven and rescue me;
    rescue me from deep waters,
    from the power of my enemies.

Their mouths are full of lies;
    they swear to tell the truth, but they lie instead.

I will sing a new song to you, O God!
    I will sing your praises with a ten-stringed harp.
10 For you grant victory to kings!
    You rescued your servant David from the fatal sword.
11 Save me!
    Rescue me from the power of my enemies.
Their mouths are full of lies;
    they swear to tell the truth, but they lie instead.

12 May our sons flourish in their youth
    like well-nurtured plants.
May our daughters be like graceful pillars,
    carved to beautify a palace.
13 May our barns be filled
    with crops of every kind.
May the flocks in our fields multiply by the thousands,
    even tens of thousands,
14   and may our oxen be loaded down with produce.
May there be no enemy breaking through our walls,
    no going into captivity,
    no cries of alarm in our town squares.
15 Yes, joyful are those who live like this!
    Joyful indeed are those whose God is the Lord.
Hear are a few more interesting things about the number 144

Unique Properties of 144

In Prayer networking 12x12x10x10x10=144,000 If we have 12 disciples and they each have 12 and we do this 10x we have 1440 x10 more 14,400 10 more we have 144,00

  • 144 is a dozen dozens, or one gross

  • 144 is the only composite square in the Fibonacci sequence
  • 144 is the smallest square such that there exists another square - 441 - with the same set of digits
  • 144 is the smallest abundant Fibonacci number
  • 144 is the largest sum-product integer - the integer that is equal to the sum of its digits times the product of its digits
  • 144 is the smallest square perimeter of a primitive Pythagorean triangle
    Pythagorean triangle

    Pythagorean Spiral
  • 144 is the smallest number such that it's fifth power is the sum of other fifth powers

Rare Properties of 144

Fibonacci numbers are numbers that form the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is defined as starting with 1, 1 and then each next term is the sum of the two preceding ones.
Fibonacci numbers are very common in nature.

 For example, a pineapple has
 8 spirals if you count one way,
 and 13 if you count the other way....
 Don't look for too many relations as this can actually give you a strange sense of conspiracy and build links that are not really at all involved in what God is doing or Who God is, but if you can just view it as interesting then have some fun and Google it, you will be fascinated at just how much God put into the creation of the world and universe around us.  The number 12 of course is also important because it is found in the Old testament and the new Testament also the 12 tribe, 12 candlesticks 12 precious gems in the Priest robes, 12 disciples, again 12 tribes, 12 churches and so on.
This is why I am positive with all the references to war, protection and discipleship, that this is the way we will cause an outpouring on the nations through prayer.

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