Saturday 13 July 2013

All About Praise


 Praise is acknowledging what God has done unlike Worship which is about who God is.
I am going to talk today from Psalms 33 but you could go through every book in the Bible and find Praise. Actually even if you had never heard of Jesus you would likely believe in a god simply because of creation those things around you.  So today as you go about your day look for things to praise God for.
In the following link to Psalms 33 You can see so many things to praise God for.;AMP
It is interesting to me that this start with a reason to praise that isn’t really about God but about us. "Rejoice in the Lord, o you righteous because praise for the upright is beautiful" if you want to be beautiful then here is a start.

Give thanks with the lyre, sing praise with the harp of ten strings. Sing a new song Play skilfully on the strings with loud and joyful sound why? Here the first few reasons read it all and write them all down.
1. For the Word of the Lord is right
2. All His works are done in faithfulness
3. He loves righteousness and justice
4. The Earth is full of Loving-kindness of   the Lord


You can go to every book of the Bible and find things to Praise God for, but Psalms are a good starting point because it not only talks about why we should praise God but ways to praise God.

One of those might be just taking a walk with him and praise Him for every beautiful thing around you.

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