Wednesday 3 July 2013

My Prayer for the USA

Happy Independence day July 4
 To all the citizens and to the Nation of the United States of America 
which declares they are 
one Nation under God. 
So today I ask you Lord to bless the USA.  Let Your blessings come to them
This is the prayer that I prayed for the USA
 most of it follows 
2 Chronicles 17

2 Chronicles 17

Lord I ask you to be with President Obama the Congress and the Senate as they strive to govern the United States of America.  Let the leaders be lead by you and may their feet follow the path that you have laid out for them.  Help the leaders of the nation of the U.S.A. not seek other idols or put into law that which is unpleasing to you   Help them to seek you and even as Abraham Lincoln was found daily on his knees asking you for guidance may the leaders today in the U.S.A. start there also. Let the leaders seek and yearn for and desire you with all their hearts may they walk in your ways

Holy Spirit I ask you to speak in the early morning to them the way to lead and at night on there bed may they seem clearly a plan designed by you. 

Lord, establish your kingdom on earth, in the USA, let praise for Jesus reign supreme in all your people. God help your children in the USA to fall on there knees and ask you how to fight for their country. Let the Praise of Your people rise up as a sweet ointment to you pleasing you. Draw near to your church there, clean your houses and purify there hearts call them to humble themselves, seek Your face and turn from their wicked was and then Jesus, Father hear them and heal their land.  I pray that the disasters of this past decade would show the courage, kindness, forgiveness, healing that lives in that nation. God pour out your spirit on all the U.S.A. every person of every race, creed and all. Show your love to the people of the U.S.A. Have mercy on the nation. Renew the faith of the founding father of the U.S.A.

As you look down on the U.S.A. Jesus I ask that you would intercede for the people. Weed out the enemy there and teach the people to follow you.

God raise up a people that would tear down the altars in the high places. Bring and use solid on the Rock teachers to teach the generations of the U.S.A.

The harvest is ripe so send harvester to the fields let those called by your name shout out your name to the nation. Shout “Come follow me as I follow Christ”. Lord show them the love and mercy of the law and mostly of the cross and what Jesus did for them how He loves them more then His own life How Jesus does not condemn them but he came to bring them Life and that abundantly. Lord may the fear of God come to the U.S.A. and let them know that Jesus is the King of Kings the Lord of Lords, that his name is higher then any other. Lord let other nations Fear that the God of the U.S.A. is you and that they would fear to make war against them.  Jesus let the wealth that once was in the nation be restored and may integrity rule again.  Help them reduce and get rid of debt and bring jobs to the people. May they become builders and not destroyers, build fortresses,  safe places for people that need protection.

Let the praise of the Nation of the U.S.A. be heard around the world, bringing new the good news the Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Let the shout that “Jesus is Risen” conquering the grave be heard loud and clear. Tear down the walls that have come up and every vain thing be brushed away.  GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.

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