Tuesday 30 July 2013

Battleground of the mind Part 7

Battleground of the mind Part 7


It shouldn’t surprise us that we struggle with the battle of our minds Jesus fought that battle on His knees in Golgotha the place of the skull.  His number one thought was “not my will but thine be done.” No matter the thoughts He was having it was the Kings will that was to be honored.

To continue with the thought sieve after is the thought true and entirely true? What part is true? What part of it can I change? What part do I just have to accept and trust that God’s grace is sufficient? Comes is the thought honorable?

Does a thought bring Honor to you or does it dishonor you, someone else or the Throne of God?
Is the thought Honorable does it show respect and is it of a high quality worthy of a child of the King? 
Is it the type of thought that honors a child of the King?
These are important questions because when you were born again you became a joint heir with Christ. Therefore you are of the royal family.  Every thought you have needs to show you, others and God respect. If it doesn’t then don’t allow that thought to take root.
Even if it is true if it's not honorable show it the door.
Here’s an example you think that you are seductive and should be able to flutter your eyelashes at anyone, have sex with anyone and party in any matter you like and can do whatever you like.
We have seen the problems with this in the Royal Family of Great Briton.  This type of behavior and thinking leads to scandals and causes huge problems for the Throne. Even adultery and divorce cause a lack of respect for the Throne.  The same is true of the Throne or the Church.  When you let your thoughts of entitlement become rooted in your mind it will ultimately become an action. 
Another area of dishonor that we don't always think about is prejudice, and judgement.  We need to think about our judgement of ourselves and others that it is honorable; Otherwise, we can actually put the Church in the limelight as an unjust place that doesn't treat People Like God would.  

Our thoughts and our actions need to bring honor to the King and the throne.  Perhaps the most interesting thing about dishonor is it usually starts because of things in the first sieve Truth.  We feel entitled because of position and not because of who we are to the King. When we don’t challenge thoughts to their truthfulness and discern and weed out the truth from the lies our mind tells us, then we lower our opinion of ourselves and then we continue with entitlement or anger, bitterness and using a scapegoat leading to unforgiveness etc

Blame is the biggest waste of time and energy our minds present to us.  It accomplishes nothing. Blame's primary purpose is to not have to deal with an issue.  If you blame someone or something then you have no responsibility to do anything about it.  Guilt it’s twin is also the same thing we feel guilty so we don’t have to do anything, about the thought or an issue. Instead when we feel guilty or blame or put blame on someone we need to stop and say to the thought, you are wasting my time so talk to the Hand…..

Any thought that comes and makes us dis-empowered or that we can do nothing about an issue must stop! What we do is repent fix the problem and seek forgiveness and move on.
If we don't act instead of blame then we cause exhaustion overload.  Nothing will sap your energy faster. 

This is the step that if we don't sieve our thoughts through that we start to build up a stronghold to protect that thought! We make it safe and unreachable. It makes us feel justified to have that thought.

With the thoughts we have about ourselves or others should fall under the mercy code of God.

Lamentations 3:

22 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”

25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.
26 It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
Great is thy faithfulness

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