Monday 15 July 2013

The Strategic Battle of Ai-- Defeated

Strategic Battles of the BIBLE

Battle of AI Defeat

After the battle at Jericho I think Joshua felt pretty confident and the Children of Israel thought they were unstoppable.  
There are a couple of things that interests me here first they didn’t ask God if they should go up against AI. Second they forgot how they won the battle of Jericho. They didn't win at Jericho God won.  Things were not quite as great as they should have been. The reason being is that they all did not completely obey the Lord.  This is the first time in battle where we see the Spirit of Balaam in the camp of Israel. 
A man named Achan did not obey what God had commanded them to do concerning the accursed and silver gold and bronze.  What’s more he hid what he had done from everyone even his own kin.  When we do something and then hide what we have done from those closest it is because we already are convicted that we did wrong!
Here is how it happened Joshua sent men from Jericho to AI (which means Heap of ruins) near to Beth-Aven (which means house of Vanity) East of Bethel (The house of God) to spy out the land.  I find that an interesting place to go to and one of which you might find some temptations you should prepare for.

 As we read on we will see they were indeed tempted.  When the men came back they reported to Joshua,

 “Hey man it’s all cool not nearly as great as Jericho so don’t send all the men up only take 2 or 3 thousand” (Kim’s Paraphrase)  and that is what Joshua did.  

 Already we see the Balaam spirit here; the men thought it was the men and not God that won the battle at Jericho forgetting all they did was March and Shout.  They already think God works for them. 

       Also the Children of Israel already thought as individuals and not as a unit.Unity is being attacked.  It is important that when we get ready to take on a battle only God should be telling the leadership that they should be dividing the army. 
The enemy today likes to separate the people of God and lead one set in one direction and not allowing others to do anything.  We see this in the Church or organizational 20/80% problem where 20% of the Church are doing 80% of the work.
     So on that advice Joshua sends out 3000 men. Then men of AI killed about 36 of them as they chased them from before the gate as far as Shebarim (means the Breaches or divisions).  I think that is the first known problem, that they created breaches in the Army and Camp of God; however, that was not the root of the problem.  When the soldiers returned to the camp it says the hearts of the people melted and became as water. Anytime there is defeat or separation in the church and the enemy wins a battle, attacking the heart of the people and melt their confidence in God. God’s leadership is very low and just flows away, dividing the house of God. Joshua tears his clothes and lay on the ground on his face before the Ark of the Lord until the evening, Joshua and the elders of Israel; put dust or ashes on their heads. Now just like in the wilderness they immediately as God why have You brought this people over the Jordon to fall into the hands of the Amorites. 

It sounds very much like when they were whining to Moses in the desert “why did God free us from slavery just to perish in the wilderness.  Every time they face a challenge they also look for a scapegoat. That’s what Adam and Eve and even the serpent did in the Garden of Eden,  
Genesis 3:12-1312 And the man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me—she gave me [fruit] from the tree, and I ate.
13 And the Lord God said to the woman, What is this you have done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled (cheated, outwitted, and deceived) me, and I ate.
All along people when things go wrong look for a scapegoat and they always start with God.  Question like why would a loving God allow that to happen, why after all I’ve done for God why……..
In Genesis each one of them found consequences for blaming a scapegoat. We must sit and wonder if things might have been different if only they had immediately accepted and became accountable for their sin. 

      Back to Joshua, After the second time He blames God, he asks God what he is to do now that Israel has turned to flee before their enemies, Because he thinks the news will fill the land quickly and it will hurt the name of God.  When reading this I had to say it reminded me of something someone once told me “God Doesn’t need a Lawyer”. 

Woe to me, you are such a terrible God to allow this. Maybe this is the reason they were called the Children of God, because this level of self indulgent pity is very Childish.

God did answer Joshua “GET UP” What are you doing down on the ground throwing a tantrum? (My words) 

“Israel has sinned they have not kept the COVENANT that I made with them and commanded them. They have taken some of the things devoted for destruction, they have stolen and lied and put them among their own baggage.
 I find the word “they” interesting when we look at the next few verses.

God continued “That is the reason the Israelites couldn’t stand before their enemies, and that then ran away from them; they (the Israelites) have placed a curse on themselves and now they have become set apart for destruction.  I (God) will cease to be with you unless you destroy the accursed things among you.” This next part is right from the Amplified Bible
13 Up, sanctify (set apart for a holy purpose) the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow; for thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: There are accursed things in the midst of you, O Israel. You can not stand before your enemies until you take away from among you the things devoted [to destruction].
14 In the morning therefore, you shall present your tribes. And the tribe which the Lord takes shall come by families; and the family which the Lord takes shall come by households; and the household which the Lord takes shall come by persons.

15 And he who is taken with the devoted things shall be [killed and his body] burned with fire, he and all he has, because he has transgressed the covenant of the Lord and because he has done a shameful and wicked thing in Israel.
So here we see that it is one person but they Lord held them all accountable for one person’s sin.  This is the same today because of the sin of one person in the Church it can affect all the Church and it can even risk the loss of people The Children of Israel lost 36 men because of one man’s disobedience.  Also because of his Hidden sin and the message is I hold you all accountable for your brothers and sisters, first by church then by family then by the individual. Thankfully today we have the Blood of Christ and only need to come back to the cross and be reconciled to the body.
James 5:16 says Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
Just like in the book of Joshua 7 we see that when we confess our sins and are reconciled to the family then the effectual fervent prayer of the man made right wins the battles it strikes down much it wins battles.
So now let’s read what happens because this is where today the word Covenant is so important because of the outcome, shown in Joshua compared to James 5:16
 Joshua 7:16- (Kim’s Paraphrase) So the next day everyone got up early in the morning and Israel came near by their tribes.  God called out the tribe of Judah (which means praise) it often when there is unrest and defeat In the Church it will start with the worshipers and leaders which make up the worshipers. Then Judah went forward by family and the family of the Zerahites (rising) was taken often the sin comes in people that are rising in authority in the house first.
Then in the family a man named Zabdi (endowment in other words the one in charge of giving) and when Zabdi brought his household man by man Achan (troubler) son of Carmi (My vineyard) was taken.  Now the Vineyard speaks of wine and wine speaks of the Holy Spirit, which speaks to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  The sin flows through all these people until we get to the troubler himself. This is still what happens although we rarely ever recognize this but if we go back to Part one of this course and the four beings and the fire being poured out on the world by the four creatures and causes us to basically fail and lose both the battle and lives.   Just like what happen in verse 19 that man needs to give glory to the LORD (Jehovah, The existing one)  the God (Elo-Heem, ruler or Judge) and confess your to Him what you have done; do not hide it from others.
So Achan answered Joshua, the truth is I have sinned against the LORD, The God of Israel this is what I have done:

1. When I saw among the spoils an attractive mantle from Shinar and two hundred shekels of silver and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted (lusted after) them.
2. Then I took them.
3. I brought them in my home
4. I dug a hole in the tent and hid them with the silver underneath it all.

The Bible talks about 3 types of sin, the Lust of the flesh, the Lust of the eyes and the Pride of life and we see all three here, First Achan lusted after the garment clothes and the position of royalty they came from, and the armor from Shinar the best I wanted that, so from it feels good they make me more dignified the Lust of the flesh
Then he takes the Silver and Gold The lust of the eyes I want what I see and I am entitled to have it.  Then because he is aware he sinned he took it boldly home and buried it because who will ever know only God and it won’t matter to Him.  Again here is evidence of the Balaam spirit, I am so important to God he won’t care if I disobey his law just a little, the Pride of Life.
The enemy has 3 things in mind in everything he does to Steal, Kill and destroy.  In Joshua we see that all three happened,The Sin stole the victory at AI it killed 39 soldiers and it totally destroy AI's family.

Hidden sin or non-repented sin causes us to be defeated and often has severe consequences for those around us. 
 Here is where there is Good news for you and not so good for the household of Achan. Today we can simple go to the Cross repent turn around and find the mercies of God.  
 Joshua sends his men to the tent and found the spoil Achan had told him about and the silver under it. Once they got it all they took it to Joshua and all the Israelites and laid them out before the LORD.  In the New Testament it tells us to confess our faults to one another don’t keep secrets, secret. Lay your sin out before those who were affected by it and before God.  Then accept the penalty of that sin, and also the payment Christ redeemed you with by the Cross, defeating death rising again.  Joshua and all Israel with him took Achan the silver, the garment, the wedge of gold, His sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his sheep, his tent and all that he had; and brought them to the Valley of Achor.  

 Then like all of us Joshua asks, “Why have you brought trouble on us?” Yet we do not see that Joshua ever got an answer there is no good answer for sin.  
Joshua tells Achan “the LORD will trouble you today.”  

 The entire people of Israel stoned him and his family and then piled up all that he had and burned it.  After they had finished they raised over the ashes a great heap of stones that remained. 
Although the walls of Jericho came down and Jehovah won them the victory The battle of Jericho turned out to be a defeat, because of disobedience and sin.
Then the Lord turned from the fierceness of His anger was turned.
Joshua and the Children had repented. 
Check back tomorrow to see what happened when they repented and fought the battle of AI again

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